Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Who is Unexpected Baby Momma?

"All my life... I had to fight." Okay, shameless "Color Purple" plug, but seriously... All my life I have had to "fight" for everything I wanted, needed, and attained. It's not easy being an African American woman raised by a teenage mom in Detroit, Mi.

With that being said, I watched my mom bust her butt to raise me. She never sugar coated how hard it was to be a single parent, and from that moment I vowed... "I will never be a baby momma."

Fast-forward through high school, college, move to Dallas, Tx, careers, more school, horrible dating experiences (some more scaring than others), and finally being swept off my feet by Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome, a few lustful nights and the "Plan B" that failed... I became the unexpected BABY MOMMA!

I've created this blog to help all mothers, single or married, to just make it! Know that yes it is difficult to be a mother, but no matter what you go through... Motherhood is the most difficult, yet rewarding job you'll ever have.

There is not a day that goes by that I don't look at my son and he warms my heart! He is worth every bad man choice, low self esteem decision, and lustful nights (which still give me chills). I'd go through it all again if it meant being able to have the pleasure of raising him. Although unexpected, I love being his momma!!

In this blog I'll give you advice you can use to cope with the daily struggle, the baby daddy, father figure, or father, and even just uplifting advice to emotionally being the best you because sometimes that's half the battle! No, I don't wear "baby momma" like a badge of honor I'd actually prefer "mother of his child," but let's be real... When he refers to you to his friends, you're "baby momma."

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